Summer is well established and high temperatures are being felt. If you perceive them intensely, tell yourself that it is the same for your baby. His little body also experiences the summer heat and much more than you. It will take time for his body to get used to the heat...
Be careful not to confuse sun and heat!
Even though they are closely related, heatstroke in babies comes from exposure to a too hot place where there is a lack of ventilation and this can cause hyperthermia. You have to be very careful with an infant during this summer period. In the event of hyperthermia, baby can be in serious danger. His body will need a lot of energy to regulate its temperature. So of course, we avoid taking baby out during the sunniest hours, but here are other little tips so that baby can better tolerate the heat.
At home
Remember to ventilate the baby's room during the cooler hours and close the shutters and windows as soon as the temperatures rise to keep the room cool.
At nap time, baby will need to be held in a swaddling blanket to prevent him from tossing around in all directions and becoming too hot. You can also use a maxi cotton swaddle 110x110cm to swaddle baby. This one is lightweight and is very breathable.

A cotton swaddle is ideal, it is a very light and breathable fabric. In addition, swaddling allows baby to feel reassured and gives the illusion of still being in his mother's womb.
When baby grows up and starts to move around, you can switch to a summer-specific muslin sleeping bag that is both light and breathable.
Summer sleeping bag in cotton muslin
On a walk
We often have the bad habit of covering the stroller with a diaper to hide the baby from the sun's rays. Even if this material is very thin, it's not a good idea. In the stroller/pram, do not cover the opening with a cloth. It prevents air from circulating towards the baby.
When you go for a walk with your baby, always remember to take a mist bottle with you to cool them down healthily. You will find the Avène or Uriage brand in drugstores, which are perfect for moisturizing babies' sensitive skin. You can also refresh him by applying a little lukewarm water to his forehead, neck, nape and temples.
Baby sweating in his stroller? Choose cotton muslin stroller seats. They do not retain heat and let the skin breathe, preventing it from sweating.
Remember to hydrate your baby regularly. Don't hesitate to give him mineral water, even if you are breastfeeding. It is recommended to give them water regularly to avoid dehydration which can occur quickly in young children. If you really want to go out, choose shade at all costs.
Choose clothes in light colors which will retain less heat than dark colors. Avoid clothes that stick to the skin like bodysuits, prefer panties + t-shirt or rompers.
To the beach
Please note that it is not recommended to take a baby under one year old to the beach. It's way too bright for his little eyes and it's way too hot for his body to regulate itself naturally. The reverberation is still present despite the presence of a parasol.
If you decide to take him there, slather him with sunscreen from head to toe! Dress him in beach-appropriate clothing as well as high-protection sunglasses and invest in an anti-UV SPF 50+ tent, like this one from BabyMoov.
And of course, we avoid going there before between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. when the heat is the strongest.
Anti-UV tent SPF 50+, BabyMoov
Last little tip that everyone can apply at home: the best way to hydrate baby's skin and refresh it is a good bath! At 35°C, baby will splash around with complete peace of mind!