In bed ! The crucial bedtime that cannot be handled lightly…
Hop, hop, hop…. in bed ! We're not going to lie to each other, we moms too, sometimes DREAM of this moment just for ourselves. And to see our little warriors peacefully rejuvenate themselves to attack, head on, their permanent experience of life. Let's remember that they know how to expend enormous amounts of energy to move! Besides, I invite you to take the test: do the same thing as them for 20 minutes (when they are in action of course!). Lie down, twist, grab both feet with legs straight, then, sit, stand, sit, stand. Grab a marker that is above head level (put it on top of a cabinet), crawl across the room towards the white wall to express your creativity. No more bothering with abdominal and buttocks sessions! So how can we create favorable conditions to initiate these well-deserved rest periods? To do this, you have to put in place a strategy that flirts with the limit of the trap (Mouhahahha! RDMI*): create the irrepressible need to go to bed!

children's bed linen in cotton muslin
This is where our break time is at stake. That of battery recharging. To do this, you create an atmosphere by transforming your room into a space of ultra-reassuring comfort, conducive to soothing rituals. We focus on gentleness. The bed should be a refuge of kindness. We must create total dependence on this place of dreams and calm. Our little one must become completely “addicted” and happy to go back. We opt for linen with ultra-soft material that is never too hot or too cold. Colored sheets to match the entire room that are warmed with subdued lighting. We nest THE comforter there. And we speak quietly as if we were sharing secrets.
The room then transforms into a stage on which we develop our immutable choreography and which starts from the threshold
from the door (with grace of course and to the tune of your choice**): Not chased to the “we-close-the-curtains” side, not chased to the other side, forward lunge, sitting, “blablabla -sleep-well-my-little-angel. » standing, rear lunge, not chased to the side “click-the-light”, “kiss-kiss”, moonwalk exit….
I grant you: nothing really new, but it is always important to remember basic good practices ;-). However, no one will forget that a welcoming, warm and harmonious space is one of the keys to the success of this moment. It's worth giving importance to it. And even if our walls are white then a pretty bedding set will go a long way to creating the warm atmosphere necessary for this moment!
*RDMI: Laugh of Unworthy Mother!
** For my part it will be “From Disco to Disco” by Whirlpool Production… it’s all in my head! ;-)