Le lange: le "couteau-suisse" des mamans

The swaddle: the “Swiss army knife” of mothers

Posted by Marine Fontana on

Diapering: a natural reflex

Above all, diapering is a bit like a natural reflex for us mothers. As soon as a baby is born, and I don't know how, we adopt the diaper as if it were an extension of our hand. It is in contact with baby's skin like a caress, it wipes away small gastronomic spillovers, it protects us from these too. But it is also for swaddling our baby urgently that the swaddle does the trick. Without my swaddling blanket, it was by improvising a soft and solid embrace that our little treasure was able to calm down and fall asleep.

When you forget 3/4 of your suitcase

It is also by experiencing a massive forgetting of essential things that the diaper becomes the superhero of our relaxing weekend. At my destination, it was when I opened my suitcase that I realized I had forgotten almost everything. Or maybe I thought it was going to be -10°C in the middle of July?? I only see clothes that are too warm, no travel blankets or pajamas. Only my pile of diapers that I never take off make me smile. They will be transformed into temporary sheets, bibs and extra pants during the stay. WOW!

When you have no more hope!

So here I am talking to you about scenes of life that we no longer wish to relive but that we have all known (at least I think). That of the sick child whose watertightness is compromised... The pile of clean linen runs out, the bed gets a makeover every 2 hours, (moral) fatigue makes itself felt. This is when the diaper becomes precious. Spreading the square of soft cotton muslin on the pillow and/or on the mattress gives us a little respite. Or again, during a plane trip where our dear child must stay on our knees for the duration of the flight: an eternity. Our maggot moves, eats and moans. He is hot and so are we. The diaper on our knees and between baby and ourselves moderates heat exchanges and prevents us from looking like the ravaged car mat (chips and chocolate crumbs hidden in the folds of our skirt) of our darling after an AIX-LILLE...

I tell you: The diaper is our Swiss army knife!!

Nice week.
- M -

PS: Discover all our diapers and their XXL format super practical!

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