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Vacances à domicile : scène de vie d'une Mumpreneur  No2

Holidays at home: life scene of a Mumpreneur No2

By Marine Fontana

The Easter holidays are already coming back far too quickly when we were just catching up on the delays incurred during the previous ones. But...

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Le (très sérieux) sujet des rituels chez nos enfants

The (very serious) subject of rituals in our children

By Marine Fontana

For months (if not years) we have been repeating gestures and words on a daily basis, which even become automatic. Our life as a mother...

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L'emmaillotement avec Milinane

Swaddling with Milinane

By Marine Fontana

Overwhelmed by events and tired of finding solutions to find peaceful nights; It was with a swaddling blanket that I had my revelation. I'll tell...

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Gravir la montagne !

Climb the mountain!

By Marine Fontana

A little mood post to let you know my current mood as Milinane is taking shape. This incredible adventure that I dedicate to babies but...

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Welcome Automne

Welcome Autumn

By Marine Fontana

At a time when nature is tinged with autumnal colors, I notice that we mothers no longer know which foot to dance on... How do...

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La Terrazz' attitude !

The Terrazz' attitude!

By Marine Fontana

For its first collection, the Milinane brand created a pattern inspired by the very trendy "Terrazzo", available on childcare accessories and linens. A designer pattern...

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Collection Eden Linge de bébé

Eden Baby Linen Collection

By Marine Fontana

“For this great first I wanted to take you and your baby on a journey to a place of wonders and softness by offering you...

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Milinane: le grand 'Mix & Match' des motifs et des couleurs

Milinane: the great 'Mix & Match' of patterns and colors

By Marine Fontana

From the time when our mothers meticulously chose our little clothes, to today, “the spirit of the times” has revised its copy! A wind of...

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Maison & Objet 2018: Milinane au rendez-vous!

By Marine Fontana

The start of the school year is off to a flying start at Milinane. From September 7 to 11, the brand will be among the...

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